Rum's The Word

Arcane Turkish Delight
Difficulty level: 2 Glass: Coupe Ice: None Garnish: Coco powder Method Hard shake & fine strain Ingredients 35ml Arcane Mauritian...
Arcane Turkish Delight
Difficulty level: 2 Glass: Coupe Ice: None Garnish: Coco powder Method Hard shake & fine strain Ingredients 35ml Arcane Mauritian...

Chilli & Limeade
Difficulty level: 2 Glass: Highball Ice: Crushed Garnish: Lime wheel & chilli slice Method Build over ice Ingredients 50ml Arcane...
Chilli & Limeade
Difficulty level: 2 Glass: Highball Ice: Crushed Garnish: Lime wheel & chilli slice Method Build over ice Ingredients 50ml Arcane...

Rum & Homemade Lemonade
Difficulty Level: 2 Glass: Highball Ice: Cubed Garnish: Fresh Lemon wedge Method Build over ice in order Ingredients 30ml Freshly...
Rum & Homemade Lemonade
Difficulty Level: 2 Glass: Highball Ice: Cubed Garnish: Fresh Lemon wedge Method Build over ice in order Ingredients 30ml Freshly...

Chilli & Tangerine Spritz
Difficulty level: 1 Glass: Wine glass Ice: Cubed Garnish: Orange slice & habanero chilli sliced (pull through the glass) Method...
Chilli & Tangerine Spritz
Difficulty level: 1 Glass: Wine glass Ice: Cubed Garnish: Orange slice & habanero chilli sliced (pull through the glass) Method...

The Caribbean Coffee
Difficulty level: 2 Glass: Trigger glass Ice: None Garnish: 3 Coffee Beans Ingredients 40ml Rumjava Signature 1 Brown Sugar Cube...
The Caribbean Coffee
Difficulty level: 2 Glass: Trigger glass Ice: None Garnish: 3 Coffee Beans Ingredients 40ml Rumjava Signature 1 Brown Sugar Cube...

Toasted Pineapple Tai
Difficulty level: 2Glass: Old fashionedIce: CubedGarnish: Grilled pineapple chunks, cinnamon stick and pineapple leaves. Method Shake and strain and top...
Toasted Pineapple Tai
Difficulty level: 2Glass: Old fashionedIce: CubedGarnish: Grilled pineapple chunks, cinnamon stick and pineapple leaves. Method Shake and strain and top...